We want your feedback
We value your feedback – including compliments, concerns, complaints and suggestions. We view this as an opportunity to improve our services.
We are committed to enhancing the care and services we provide, and your input plays an essential role in this process.
Your feedback helps us understand how we’re performing and where we can make improvements.
Please take a moment to complete this form with your comments, as we truly value your thoughts and opinions.
Ibis Care’s Feedback Form is also available in other languages – click here.
External Complaints Mechanisms
We would appreciate it if you first raise your
concern with us directly. If you do not feel
comfortable raising a concern directly with us
or are not satisfied with how your concerns are
dealt with, assistance is available.
Older Persons Advocacy Network
A free confidential service promoting
the rights of aged care recipients.
Visit www.opan.com.au or call them on 1800 700 600.
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
A free confidential service for anyone to raise
a complaint about Australian Government
subsidised aged care.
Visit www.agedcarequality.gov.au or all them on 1800 951 822.
What to Expect
If you have feedback, we will respond to it promptly and sensitively. We will treat your complaint in confidence and respect your privacy. We will investigate your concern to understand what happened and why and to find ways to prevent it from happening again.
We will work with you to assess how best to resolve your feedback.
Please consider the outcome you would like and we will strive to provide it. We will keep you informed about the progress of your concern along the way.

Help us Improve our Service
We appreciate you taking time to let us know what you think we do well and where we can improve our services. We want to hear from you about how we’re doing.
Let's Talk
You are welcome to speak to our staff or management directly if you have any concerns or questions about the quality of care provided by our service. Alternatively, you can book a family conference and we will bring all the relevant team members together to meet with you to discuss and resolve your concerns. Another option for providing feedback is to complete the feedback form either online or in writing onsite. Simply ask the Receptionist for a copy of the form.