Enquire Now
Contact us so we can help with the care you need.
Contact us for more information on the care and services Ibis Care provides.
For enquiries about Residential Aged Care or Independent Living Villas:
Call us on 02 9546 2159,
Complete the enquiry form on this page, or
Email us at enquiries@ibiscare.com.au
If your requirement for care is urgent, you can contact us on the phone numbers provided below.
BLAKEHURST | Ibis Care Residential Aged Care Home and Independent Living Villas
Aged Care Home:20-24 Cheddar St Blakehurst NSW 2221
Villas: 8 Cheddar St &
28-30 Cheddar St
Blakehurst NSW 2221
Telephone: 02 9546 2159
Enquire with our friendly team member, Irene Tapu on 02 8080 3850
Admission enquiries: enquiries@ibiscare.com.au
MIRANDA | Ibis Care Residential Aged Care Home
2c Karimbla Road,
Miranda NSW 2228
Telephone: 02 9540 4799 miranda@ibiscare.com.au
Enquire with our friendly team member, Irene Tapu on 02 8080 3850 or enquiries@ibiscare.com.au
BEXLEY | Ibis Care Residential Aged Care Home, Huntingdon Gardens
1-11 Connemarra St Bexley NSW 2207
Call the home on 02 9597 1655
Fax: 02 9567 8046
General contact: bexley@ibiscare.com.au
Enquire with our friendly team member, Irene Tapu on 02 8080 3850
Admission enquiries: enquiries@ibiscare.com.au
MORTDALE | Ibis Care Residential Aged Care Home, Ferndale Gardens
33 Jersey Ave Mortdale NSW 2223
Call the home on 02 9570 5555
General contact: mortdale@ibiscare.com.au
Enquire with our friendly team member, Jacky Fadda on 02 9570 5555
Admission enquiries: enquiries@ibiscare.com.au
KIRRAWEE | Ibis Care Residential Aged Care Home, The Palms
454 President Ave Kirrawee NSW 2232
Call the home on 02 9521 2963
General contact and Admissions: kirrawee@ibiscare.com.au
Enquire with our friendly team member, Jacky Fadda on 02 9521 2963 or email enquiries@ibiscare.com.au
Would you like to work with us?
Complete the enquiry form now: https://www.ibiscare.com.au/work-with-us
You can also email us at jobs@ibiscare.com.au
Let's Talk
You are welcome to speak to our staff or management directly if you have any concerns or questions about the quality of care provided by our service. Alternatively, you can book a family conference and we will bring all the relevant team members together to meet with you to discuss and resolve your concerns. Another option for providing feedback is to complete the feedback form online or in writing onsite. Simply ask the Receptionist for a copy of the form.